
Patch Live
The purpose of this patch is to make the game more accessible by implementing clarity-increasing QOL features and expanding tutorials to include ability exhaustion and morale. The patch also fixes some important bugs such as downed not working properly.
Ferrum and Trevor's health were increased to 3 to give new players more flexibility when making plans and learning the mechanics.

- Downed should work properly now
- Gave Trevor and Ferrum 3 health instead of 2
- Made ability tooltips have bigger text
- Added Morale tutorial when your first weakness activates
- Explained ability exhuastion in Orvel Fight
- Added notification if you try to deal damage w/o getting thru block
- Bridge no longer affects enemies' move range (never acutally allowed them to move further, but if you cursored over them it showed them being able to move further)
- Fixed hope change bug after visiting secret rooms
- Made river's death resist text not have Destiny's portrait
- Changed up ability tooltips and downed tooltip to make them clearer
- removed "cannot be undone" tooltip text from Encourage abilities and added "can be undone" text to Move Abilities
- Spelling/Grammer Corrections


Moonrise Hope Alpha Demo 92 MB
Feb 25, 2020

Get Moonrise Hope : Tactics RPG Alpha Demo

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